

順天堂大学医学部の予想問題 ― 長文読解





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①After working as a farmer in Gambia, Ali Sonko left for Copenhagen, where he eventually became a dishwasher at Noma, a Michelin-starred restaurant famed for experimental creations that have included, among other things, edible dirt.


②This week, more than three decades after he first arrived in Denmark, Mr. Sonko, a sprightly 62-year-old with a wide smile and 12 children, was promoted to part owner of the restaurant, widely regarded as being among the world’s best. He instantly became a powerful symbol of immigrant success in a country that is increasingly seen as being inhospitable to immigrants.


③After 14 years of cleaning the plates at Noma after meals that have included live shrimp, ants that taste like oranges, and sea coriander, Mr. Sonko will now take on added duties as host. The restaurant, which recently closed its original branch, will reopen in December in a new location, retooled as an urban farm.


④Mr. Sonko says he plans to spend at least part of his time by the sink at the restaurant, which has won the top spot on the San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants list four times. The list is one of the most sought-after honors for restaurateurs.



⑤Mr. Sonko’s                             story began 34 years ago when he left his native Gambia after falling in love with a Danish woman while on vacation in Denmark. After moving there, he worked as a fishmonger and a butcher, and in a window and door factory.



⑥The latest flash point in a loud debate over immigration occurred this week when the country’s minister of integration, Inger Stojberg, lashed out at a middle-class family of Syrian refugees, whom she accused of abusing the Danish benefits system and called “greedy” in an opinion article in BT, a Danish newspaper.


⑦Two years ago, the Danish government took out advertisements in the Lebanese news media that appeared calculated to discourage migrants from coming. It has also passed a law requiring newly arrived asylum seekers to hand over valuables, including jewelry and gold, to help pay for their stay in the country.


1 英文の内容に合うように、(1)(4)の各文の空所を補うものとして最も適したものをそれぞれ選択肢14の中から選びなさい。

(1) The word sprightly in paragraph ②is closest in meaning to              .

  1. sadly
  2. lovely
  3. surprisingly
  4. lively


(2) Paragraph ④ implies that                       .

  1. Mr. Sonko still intends to keep on washing dishes at times although he is one of the restaurant owners.
  2. The San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants list contains restaurants which serves eccentric food such as edible dirt.
  3. Mr. Sonko is done washing dishes and he is now ready to enjoy his success as the restauranteur.
  4. Mr. Sonko is ready to leave Denmark for good to return to Gambia, his home country.


(3) The phrase which best suits for the blank in paragraph ⑤ is                      .

  1. ashes-to-ashes
  2. anti-Danish government
  3. dishes-to-riches
  4. unlikely success


(4) The loud debate in Denmark mentioned in paragraph ⑥is between                        .

  1. refugees and their families
  2. those who believe in the rights of immigrants and those who do not agree
  3. Danish government and Syrian government
  4. Mr. Sonko and Noma


2 次の段落は、文中の16で示したいずれかの位置に入る。最も適した場所を番号で答えなさい。

Mr. Sonko’s ascent from immigrant dishwasher to restaurant owner comes at a time when Denmark has been immersed in a culture war over Danish identity amid a simmering anti-immigrant backlash fueled, in part, by the success of the far-right Danish People’s Party.


3 文の内容に合うように、質問に対する答えとして最も適したものをそれぞれ選択肢14の中から選びなさい。

(1) What is true about this passage?

  1. Noma is a Michelin-starred popular restaurant famous for their authentic Nordic food.
  2. Mr. Sonko’s success story is a small piece of heart-warming news whilst Denmark is being covered by anti-migrant sentiment.
  3. Although succeeded to become a restaurant owner, Mr. Sonko is sorry that he left Gambia.
  4. Now that he is one of the co-owners of Noma, Mr. Sonko will no longer be washing dishes.


 (2) Who put an offending anti-migrant advertisement on Lebanese newspapers?

  1. Lebanese govenment
  2. Inger Stojberg
  3. Noma
  4. Ali Sonko


(3) What is the best title of this passage?

  1. Noma and Their Fantastic Food Woos Patrons
  2. Danish Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Overclouding Migrant’s Success
  3. Danish Dream for a Gambian Immigrant
  4. Noma’s New Co-Owner Is No Stranger to Getting His Hands Dirty



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