

順天堂大学医学部の予想問題 ― サクセス・ストーリーの解説 2/6




    • まず問題をざっと読む
    • 各段の最初の文章を読み、ざっと内容を予想する(全文である必要はなし。最初や次のコンマあたりまで)



    • 固有名詞には、主語が含まれる場合が多い
    • 数字も、文脈に大いに関係あるケースが多い
    • にも関わらず、固有名詞も数字も、大文字だったりアラビア数字だったりして非常に見つけやすい





①After working as a farmer in Gambia, Ali Sonko left for Copenhagen, where he eventually became a dishwasher at Noma, a Michelin-starred restaurant famed for experimental creations that have included, among other things, edible dirt.




②This week, more than three decades after he first arrived in Denmark, / Mr. Sonko, / a sprightly 62-year-old with a wide smile and 12 children,/ was promoted to part owner of the restaurant, / widely regarded as being among the world’s best. He instantly became a powerful symbol of immigrant success / in a country that is increasingly seen / as being inhospitable to immigrants.


ソンコさん本人は62歳で、12人子供がいるおじいさんのようです。よく見ると、デンマークに来て30年以上ということも書いてあります(three decades = 3 x 10年)。


③After 14 years of cleaning the plates at Noma after meals / that have included live shrimp, ants that taste like oranges, and sea coriander.  Mr. Sonko will now take on added duties as host. The restaurant, / which recently closed its original branch, / will reopen in December in a new location, / retooled as an urban farm.



Mr. Sonko says / he plans to spend at least part of his time / by the sink / at the restaurant,/ which has won the top spot on the San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants list four times. The list is one of the most sought-after honors / for restaurateurs. 



Mr. Sonko’s                             story began 34 years ago / when he left his native Gambia after falling in love with a Danish woman while on vacation in Denmark. After moving there, he worked as a fishmonger and a butcher, and in a window and door factory.




⑥The latest flash point in a loud debate over immigration occurred this week / when the country’s minister of integration,/ Inger Stojberg, / lashed out at a middle-class family of Syrian refugees, / whom she accused of abusing the Danish benefits system / and called “greedy” / in an opinion article in BT, a Danish newspaper.




Mr. Sonko’s ascent from immigrant dishwasher to restaurant owner / comes at a time / when Denmark has been immersed in a culture war over Danish identity / amid a simmering anti-immigrant backlash fueled, / in part, / by the success of the far-right Danish People’s Party.

    • ソンコさんが皿洗いからレストランのオーナーにまで登りつめたこと
    • それが、デンマーク移民問題で大揺れの時に起きたこと




Two years ago, the Danish government took out advertisements in the Lebanese news media / that appeared calculated to discourage migrants from coming. It has also passed a law / requiring newly arrived asylum seekers to hand over valuables, / including jewelry and gold,/ to help pay for their stay in the country.






Q3.(1) What is true about this passage? 本文の内容に照らして正しいものはどれか?

1. Noma is a Michelin-starred popular restaurant / ノマはミシュランの星を獲得した人気レストランで、famous for their authentic Nordic food. /伝統的なノルウェイ風料理で有名だ。


2. Mr. Sonko’s success story is a small piece of heart-warming news / ソンコ氏のサクセスーストーリーは、心温まるニュースだ。whilst Denmark is being covered by anti-migrant sentiment. / デンマークが反移民感情に覆われている中、


3. Although succeeded to become a restaurant owner, / レストランのオーナーになるまで成功したが、Mr. Sonko is sorry that he left Gambia./ ソンコ氏はガンビアを出たことを後悔している。


4. Now that he is one of the co-owners of Noma, / ノーマの経営陣に加わったので、Mr. Sonko will no longer be washing dishes./ ソンコ氏はもう皿洗いをするつもりはない。




昨日は敵前逃亡したいぐらいきつかったですが、今日はだいぶ復活しました。昨晩、ポーランドでお風呂に浸かって温まったのが良かったようです。日曜というのに朝4時から起きていたのでは、具合が悪くなって当たり前ですね。いったん目が覚めると二度寝ができなくなってから数年たちます。春眠は暁を覚えずじゃないんだっけ?Anyway, see you tomorrow!