

慶応大学医学部の予想問題 — スポーツ系記事の解説 1/4


慶応大学医学部の予想問題は、電気自動車のレース、フォーミュラEの記事から作りました。出典は機内誌high lifeの "Formula E – Changing the Face of Motor Sport" です。解説初回の今日は、全問の解答を書きますね。


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow it. / 以下の文章を読み、続く質問に答えなさい。

[I] (1) On  22 July 1894, 21 pioneers and their steam- and gas- powered (A-1) horseless  carriages gathered in Paris to drive 70 miles (2) to  Rouen, in Northern France, travelling at an average 12mph. The event was designed to test the safety, reliability and ease-of-use of the automobile but it was also the world’s first taste of motor sport.

[II] (B-1) Celebrating  its (C) inaugural  race in Beijing in 2014, The FIA Formula E Championship is the world’s first fully electric motor racing series. Featuring (B-2) experienced  drivers, such as Mahindra Racing Formula E Team’s Nick Heidfeld – who has completed in 185 Formula One Grand Prix races – the series puts teams to the test on challenging city circuits. (omitted)

[III] (3) Since  its inception in 2014, Formula E has been the catalyst for much of the technology (B-3) seen  in everyday electric vehicles. The (A-2) cars'  batteries can deliver 200kw of power – equivalent to 270mph – and can accelerate from standing to over 60mph in three seconds. In the (A-3) space  of three seasons, the teams (B-4) have gone  from using a standardised system to developing power trains and cars, such as the Mahindra M3Electro racing car.

[IV] (A-4) Unlike  traditional motor sport, Formula E takes place on the city centre streets of Buenos Aires, Paris, New York, Hong Kong and more. All that speed and power on twisting tracks attracts a younger following whilst increasing the chances of incidents and spectacular close-up racing. (omitted)

[V] (4) Off  the circuit, Formula E is key to changing people’s perception of electric cars, encouraging drivers to shift to zero emission motoring. Where electric cars were once confined to the pages of science fiction or occasionally on the roads, Formula E’s innovation has shown electric cars can outperform some of the best.

[VI] (5) With that, motor sport has come a long way and Formula E shows no signs of slowing down. 


Q1. Select from the following to fill the blank spaces marked (1) –(5). Individual options may be selected once, more than once, or not at all. 

選択肢:after, because, on, off, with, from, to, in, between, since



Q2. Select from the following to fill the blank spaces marked [A-1] to [A-4].


[A-1] horseless

[A-2] cars’

[A-3] space

[A-4] Unlike


Q3. For each of the underlined words marked [B-1] to [B-4], change them to the correct forms to be grammatically correct.


[B-1] Celebrating

[B-2] experienced

[B-3] seen

[B-4] have gone


Q4. From the passage, choose a word that has the same meaning as (C) “inaugural”.


答え: first


長文読解問題 ─ テクノロジー関連記事の解説 2/3 - 医学部合格応援団! 〜過去問から予想問題を作成〜



Q5. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is not true?

これも慶応でよく出るタイプの設問で、「正しくないものを選びなさい」と問う問題です。 逆に選択肢のうち大多数は内容に合っているわけですから、ぜひ本文に取りかかる前に読んでおきたいですね。

答え: B

(A) Over the past 120 years, the speed of the automobile was enhanced by over 20 times. 過去120年で、自動車のスピードは20倍以上に伸びた 



(B) There has been little correlation between Formula E and the development of electric cars.フォーミュラEと電気自動車の発展には、ほとんど関連性は見られない



(C) Since cars pass through normal streets, Formula E races can be thrilling to watch but also a dangerous one. フォーミュラEでは車が一般道を走るため、スリリングではあるが危険も伴う



(D) Human beings have loved motor sports since 19th century when the speed was not much faster than that of bicycles. 人類は、自動車のスピードが自転車と大して変わらなかった19世紀から、自動車競技を愛してきた



Q6. Translate the underlined English sentence in the paragraph five into Japanese.


Where electric cars were once confined to the pages of science fiction or occasionally on the roads, Formula E’s innovation has shown electric cars can outperform some of the best.

答え: 電気自動車といえば、昔はSFの中や路上でたまに見かけるだけだった。フォーミュラEで見られるイノベーションにより、実は最高のSFにも勝り得るということが証明された。


Q7. Which one of the above sentences in the passage describes the theme of this passage? Answer by quoting the number of the paragraph to which the sentence belongs.


答え: III

この段落の最初の文、Since  its inception in 2014, Formula E has been the catalyst for much of the technology seen  in everyday electric vehicles.が記事の主題を表しています。問5の答えと正反対な内容だという点に着目しましょう。


