

センター予想問題 — 問2Aの解説 1/3



A 次の問い(問1~10)の空欄Aに入れるのに最も適切なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。ただし問8~問10については、( A )と( B )に入れるのに最も適当な組み合わせを選べ。


問1 I don’t believe that you can get  ④ rid  of this problem that easily.

①lid  ②cap  ③push  ④rid


問2    Where did you say that the event would take ② place  ?

①on  ②place ③off  ④location


問3    Tom did such a great job winning the reward. He completely ① nailed  it.

①nailed  ②got ③awarded ④pushed


問4    I was under such a stress that I was on a ④ verge  of mental breakdown.

①edge  ②limb ③tip ④verge


問5 We may need to level-set and make sure that we are on the same ② page .

①book  ②page ③understanding  ④point


問6   It drove Chris’ mother mad that his murderer got ③ away  with the crime.

①into  ②on ③away ④off


問7   Going once, going twice, ③ gone !

①going three times ②go ③gone  ④going


問8 The phrases “You can  say  that again.”, “Tell me about it.”, and “I’m  with  you.” have a similar meaning.

① A: put   B: against
② A: say   B: with  
③ A: agree  B: fine  
④ A: know  B: for


問9   The quakes were  such  big ones that people could not keep  on  standing.

① A: so   B: up
② A: such  B: on  
③ A: so   B: on  
④ A: such  B: up



問10   You say Neil did it on   purpose   to damage our reputation. Why do you think that  was  ?

① A: cause   B: was
② A: purpose  B: did  
③ A: cause   B: did  
④ A: purpose  B: was

